
The SRCAC Exchange Podcast

Each year, SRCAC produces a podcast season focused on special topics relevant to CAC and MDT professionals. The most recent series focused on the forensic interviewer growth continuum. In this seven-episode season, we were joined by a variety of experts, including forensic interviewers, CAC supervisors, trainers, Chapter staff, and trailblazers. From exploring the shift in professional development mindsets to discussing the challenges and opportunities facing forensic interviewers, this season continues to provide inspiration to interviewers in the field.

Featured Episodes

Season 1: Episode 4

Conversations on PSB with the Experts – Paula Condol

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Season 2: Episode 3

Strength in Unity: The crucial role of MDT & forensic interviewer alignment

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Individually Released: Episode 3

Perspectives from the Field: The Role of Team Facilitator

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Meet the Host

Meet Christina Rouse, the host of the SRCAC Exchange Podcast! With over a decade of podcasting experience, Christina’s fun, curious, and candid style dives deep into the topics that matter.

As the Program Manager for CAC Development at SRCAC, Christina draws on her background in forensic interviewing, program development, and leadership to create content that truly resonates.

Christina Rouse

What Listeners Are Saying

I wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your podcast! All of the information has been so insightful and really got my wheels spinning about things I can do to improve. Thank you for the time and effort that went into the podcast!
It is definitely making a difference!

CAC Supervisor

Our forensic interviewer listened after I told her about it and she really liked it.

CAC Director

Great job; terrific host, content and experts!

CAC Director

Enjoyed the podcast immensely, and so grateful for you all!

Forensic Interviewer

This is a must listen for CAC staff!

SRCAC Team Member